All About

Beagles are medium sized hounds, which stand between 13 and 16 inches high at the shoulder. They were originally bred for hunting hares in packs and today Beagles are normally sociable, mischievous, healthy and delightful members of an active family. Beagles enjoy company whether it is human, canine or feline and dislike being left on their own.
A household where the whole family is out from morning to evening is quite unsuitable for a Beagle. They may be on the small side but they can do a prodigious amount of damage in a short space of time to furniture, floors and curtains.
A Beagle needs a home with a garden, which needs to be fenced with ‘Colditz’ in mind! Beagles can dig as well as jump, so five to six foot high fencing is recommended. They can squeeze through small spaces such as trellis work or wrought iron gates, so you’ll need to make sure you have the right sort of fencing as well as making sure it is high and deep enough.
Remember that your hound will need to be exercised for at least an hour each day and part of that time should, if possible, be free running in a safe area away from traffic or livestock. Never forget that the Beagle was bred to hunt, it is instinctive and will show up in its behaviour on walks.

The Kennel Club says, “the man with the lead in his hand and no dog in sight owns a Beagle”, so be warned. Beagles are tough and love being with a family, but children must be taught to respect all dogs and not treat them like toys. Your hound should be provided with a special place of its own such as the folding metal crates, where children are not allowed to go or disturb the dog.

The Beagle is full of fun, enthusiastic and always ready for any sort of activity. They are easy to feed, too easy sometimes, as he will put on weight easily if allowed. They have an appetite for all sorts of disgusting things and will welcome the opportunity to raid next door’s bins! Beagles are easy to keep clean which is just as well, given their delight in rolling in bad smells. Health surveys have shown the Beagle to be a very healthy breed, having no hereditary conditions that affect them adversely.

The world according to the Beagle.
I will chase anything that moves - get used to it.
I consider myself to be an integral part of the family - don't treat
me like a mere dog.
I will stick my nose into everyone's business and feel compelled to
comment upon my observations.
If you should leave me behind, I shall consider this an aberration of
proper behaviour and will voice my disapproval, loud and long.....
I will determine which of your friends is worthy of my affection and
which are to be observed at a distance before a verdict is rendered.
All decisions are final.
I will follow you to the end of the earth and ALWAYS into
the bathroom.
No door is considered to be closed as long as I can push it open with
my nose.
Give me plenty of toys and activities to keep me busy. You don't want me to find tasks on my own... trust me on this!
I have absolutely no qualms about stealing
FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD from ANY source available,
Even if it is from the mouths of babes.
I will sense your every mood and will be happy or sad along with you.
I will give you the best moments of our lives and memories you will
cherish forever.